Essential Oil Uses
Here I’ve put together some great reasons to use essential oils, always blend with a carrier oil if applying topically and be sure you are using pure essential oils, to receive the maximum benefits.
Eucalyptus: colds. flu. natural home cleaner. stimulating. cuts, abrasions. bites and stings.
Lemon: cleansing. bad breath. quenches thirst. stomach disorders. laundry. cleaner.
Thyme Linalol: antibacterial and antifungal. sore throats. lower blood pressure. coughs and bronchitis. prevents food poisoning.
Geranium: reduces stress and depression. benefits your skin. great for cuts/ injuries. infections. natural deodorant. nerve painkiller.
Cardamom: bad breath. cavities. energizing. antibacterial and antifungal. anti inflammatory.
Peppermint: cooling. reduces stomach aches. freshens bad breath. headaches. concentration. muscle pain relief.
Frankincense: relieves stress. natural cleaner. astringent. stomach problems. skin problems. natural cold and flu medicine. pain reliever.
Roman Chamomile: calming. natural allergy reliever. pms symptoms. helps insomnia. skin. pain reliever.
Rosemary: memory. concentration. pain reliever. hair growth.
Lavender: antioxidant protection. diabetes treatment. improves mood. heals burns and cuts. skin benefits. headaches. insomnia. air freshener.
Tea Tree: acne. hair and dandruff. cleansing. psoriasis and eczema. toenail fungus and ringworm. mold. deodorant. infections and cuts.